What to Expect On Your Allurion Gastric Balloon Placement Day: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to your Allurion Gastric Balloon journey! As your placement day approaches, it’s natural to have a few questions and concerns. Rest assured, Blackrock WeightCare team will support you every step of the way. This guide will provide an overview of the Allurion Gastric Balloon, how to prepare for the procedure, what to expect on the day of placement, and the recovery and aftercare process.

How Does the Allurion Gastric Balloon Work?

The Allurion Gastric Balloon is designed to assist with weight loss by reducing the stomach’s capacity, helping you feel fuller faster and with smaller food portions. It works in conjunction with the Allurion Programme, which includes nutritional coaching and medical support to help you develop healthier lifestyle habits for long-term weight management.

What sets the Allurion Balloon apart is that it is the world’s first and only gastric balloon that requires no surgery or endoscopy for placement or removal. The balloon is inserted via a swallowable capsule during a quick 15-minute clinic visit. After approximately four months, the balloon self-empties and passes naturally out of the body.

Preparing for Your Allurion Balloon Placement Day

As your placement day nears, preparation is key. Your clinic will provide detailed instructions, but here are some general guidelines:

  • Medication: Take any prescribed medication as directed by your doctor.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids leading up to your appointment.
  • Pre-placement Meal: Have a very light snack at least eight hours before your scheduled time.
  • Stock Up: Ensure your pantry is stocked with recommended post-placement foods; consult your dietitian for advice.
  • Travel Plans: You can drive yourself to the clinic since no sedation is involved.
  • Support System: Arrange for a friend or family member to check on you post-placement.

What to Expect on Your Allurion Balloon Placement Day

It’s normal to feel a mix of excitement and nervousness on the day of your Allurion Balloon placement. The procedure is quick, taking only about 20 minutes, and is performed by a trained healthcare professional to ensure your safety and comfort.

Before Arrival

Before heading to the clinic, follow these guidelines:

  • Medication: Take any prescribed medication as directed.
  • Fluid Intake: Drink clear liquids (like water or herbal tea) up to two hours before your appointment, then stop to make the procedure more comfortable.
  • Avoid Interferences: Don’t wear lipstick, lip balm, or a necklace that could interfere with the placement.
  • Arrival: Plan to arrive at the clinic 15 minutes before your appointment and check in with reception.

At the Clinic

Upon arrival, you’ll go through some standard procedures like signing in, temperature checks, and hand sanitization. A clinic team member will weigh you and help set up your Allurion App, Health Tracker, and Connected Scale.

The Placement Procedure: A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Here’s what to expect during the procedure:

  1. Swallow the Capsule: Under the supervision of your doctor, you’ll swallow a capsule containing the deflated balloon, attached to a soft catheter.
  2. X-ray Confirmation: An X-ray ensures the balloon is correctly positioned in your stomach.
  3. Filling the Balloon: Your doctor will fill the balloon with water using the catheter, followed by a second X-ray to confirm it’s full and secure.
  4. Completion: The catheter is gently removed, and the procedure is complete.

Recovery and Aftercare Following the Placement

Post-placement, you’ll be able to leave the clinic and resume your day. Here are some aftercare tips:

  • Managing Symptoms: It’s normal to feel nausea or fatigue in the days following the procedure. Your doctor and nutritionist can help manage any symptoms.
  • Medication: Continue taking any prescribed medication.
  • Diet: Gradually reintroduce food; your nutritionist will guide you through this process.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids, as recommended by your nutritionist.
  • Physical Activity: Gentle walking is fine if you feel well and hydrated, but avoid strenuous activities for at least a week.

Be sure to attend all follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and receive guidance.

Weight Loss with the Allurion Programme

As the balloon helps reduce hunger and cravings, the Allurion Programme supports you in making lasting behavioral changes. This includes nutritional coaching to help you build healthier eating habits and digital tools to track your progress.

Nutritional Coaching

Your nutritionist will work with you to develop a personalised eating plan that suits your lifestyle and preferences. The goal is to nourish your body with essential nutrients while enjoying your meals.

Digital Monitoring Tools

The Allurion Programme includes various digital tools:

  • Allurion Connected Scale: Tracks your weight, BMI, and body composition, syncing with the Allurion App for easy monitoring.
  • Allurion Health Tracker: Tracks steps, exercise, and sleep, syncing with the app for comprehensive health monitoring.
  • Allurion App: Centralises all your health data, allowing for real-time communication with your clinic team.

Your Allurion Gastric Balloon placement day is a significant step towards improved health and weight loss. While it’s natural to feel some apprehension, being well-prepared can help ease any concerns. Remember, Blackrock WeightCare team is there to support you throughout this journey, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.

By preparing well and following the guidance provided, you can make the most of your Allurion Balloon placement and set yourself up for a successful weight loss journey.

Book your Allurion Gastric Balloon consultation today.

Your Health. We Care.