Preparing for Bariatric Surgery: A Step-by-Step Checklist

Checklist to prepare for Bariatric Surgery

Embarking on a journey towards better health through bariatric surgery is a significant decision. If you’re considering bariatric surgery in Ireland, there are several important steps to take before your procedure. These steps ensure you’re fully prepared both physically and mentally and meet the necessary criteria for insurance approval. This comprehensive checklist will guide you through the entire process, helping you to understand what to expect and how to get ready for your life-changing surgery.

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Research Bariatric Surgeons and Clinics: Choose a reputable bariatric surgeon and clinic. In Ireland, it’s essential to select a surgeon with extensive experience and a clinic with a comprehensive support program.

Initial Consultation with a Bariatric Surgeon: During your initial consultation, your surgeon will assess your suitability for surgery, explain the different types of bariatric procedures, and outline the risks and benefits. This consultation is crucial for making an informed decision about your surgery.

Step 2: Pre-Surgical Evaluation

Comprehensive Health Assessment: You will undergo a series of tests and evaluations to ensure you are fit for surgery. These may include blood tests, endoscopy, ECG, and other assessments to evaluate your heart and lung function if this is necessary.

Psychological Evaluation: A psychological evaluation is always required to determine if you are prepared for the lifestyle changes post-surgery. This step ensures that you have the necessary coping mechanisms and support systems in place.

Nutritional Counselling: Meeting with a dietitian is essential. They will provide guidance on pre-surgery dietary changes and post-surgery nutritional needs. You may need to follow a specific diet before surgery to reduce liver size and improve surgical outcomes.

Step 3: Insurance Approval Process

Understanding Your Insurance Policy: In Ireland, obtaining insurance approval for bariatric surgery involves several steps. If patients are using their health insurance to cover the cost of surgery then the funding of their operation must be pre-approved prior to their admission for surgery. 

The Blackrock WeightCare Patient Coordinators can help you with this process.

Documenting Medical Necessity and Getting your Bariatric Surgery Pre-approved by your Insurance Company: Your bariatric surgeon will need to provide your insurer with documentation that demonstrates the medical necessity of the surgery for your insurance company. This typically includes your BMI, weight loss history, and any comorbid conditions such as type 2 diabetes or sleep apnea.

At Blackrock WeightCare we will submit the necessary documentation to your insurance company. 

Awaiting Approval: Insurance approval can take a little time, so it’s important to start this process early. Only once your approval is confirmed will our team schedule your date for surgery.

Step 4: Pre-Surgery Preparation

Pre-Surgery Diet: Follow the pre-surgery diet prescribed by your dietitian. This diet is designed to reduce liver size and make the surgery safer. It typically includes high-protein, low-calorie foods and usually begins two weeks before surgery.

Arrange Post-Surgery Support: Plan for your recovery by arranging support from family or friends. You’ll need assistance with daily activities during the initial recovery period.

Quit Smoking: If you smoke, it’s crucial to quit at least several weeks before surgery. Smoking can interfere with healing and increase the risk of complications, poor healing and marginal ulcers. It is also contradictory to go through an operation designed to improve life expectancy while continuing a habit which decreases it. 

Step 5: Preparing for Hospital Stay

Pack a Hospital Bag: Prepare a bag with essentials for your hospital stay, including comfortable clothing, toiletries, and a list of your regular medications. Don’t forget important documents like your insurance information and ID.

Review Post-Surgery Instructions: Go over your post-surgery instructions with your healthcare team. Ensure you understand the dietary guidelines, physical activity recommendations, and medication regimen.

Arrange Transportation: Since you won’t be able to drive immediately after surgery, arrange for transportation to and from the hospital.

Step 6: The Day and Night Before Surgery

Follow Fasting Instructions: You will need to fast for a specified period before surgery, typically from midnight the night before. Follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully.

Confirm Hospital Arrival Time: Double-check your surgery time and when you need to arrive at the hospital. Ensure all necessary arrangements are in place.

Step 7: Post-Surgery Recovery

Follow Dietary Guidelines: Adhere strictly to the post-surgery diet plan provided by your dietitian. This will usually start with liquids and gradually progress to solid foods.

Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon, dietitian and bariatric specialist nurse are essential to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Engage in Physical Activity: Begin with gentle physical activity as recommended by your healthcare team. Gradually increase your activity level to support weight loss and overall health.

Join Support Groups: Consider joining a support group for bariatric surgery patients. Sharing experiences and tips with others who have undergone the same procedure can be incredibly beneficial.

Preparing for bariatric surgery is a multi-step process that involves careful planning and adherence to medical guidelines. By following this step-by-step checklist, you can ensure that you are fully prepared for the surgery and set yourself up for a successful recovery and long-term weight loss. 

At Blackrock WeightCare, we are dedicated to supporting you through every stage of your journey. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.

Your Health. We Care.